About me


About me#

Short Biography#

I come from a city of Allahabad (now known as Prayagraj), in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, where I got most of my education. I did my B.Sc. from University of Allahabad, India with Physics and Mathematics as major in 2005. Then I joined the Integrated Ph.D. (M.Sc. + Ph.D.) program at Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), Allahabad, India. I finished my MSc in Physics from HRI in 2008, and PhD in Condensed Matter Physics in 2013 with my thesis on The Effect of Geometric Frustration on Some Correlated Electron Systems.

Thereafter, I joined Prof. Stefano Sanvito’s research group at Trinity College, Dublin in 2013 for a year as Research Assistant, and after defending my thesis in September 2014, I continued there as post-doctoral researcher till 2019. Later, I continued as Research Fellow in the School of Physics, and worked over a range of project that overlap material science, many-body theory, high-throughput DFT and machine learning. My interests in computing, machine learning and quantum science led me to Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC) which has invested in the Quantum learning initiative for Ireland.